Lean Workshop for Law Firms

Lean Workshop for Law Firms

Lean Workshop for Law Firm ManagementContinuous Improvement, Process Improvement, Efficiency; whatever you are thinking about there is probably a similar aim;

Deliver work, quickly, consistently, at a price that generates a profit.

Lean Management is proven at helping law firms to deliver this aim.

  • What is it though?
  • How does this car stuff work with legal firms?
  • We're Lean already, aren't we?
  • How does it fit with continuous improvement and other techniques?
  • Where should we start?
  • How should we start?

Levantar have developed two Lean Workshop solutions to help law firms with these questions.

Lean Management Benefits

Faster Delivery To Clients
Reduced Costs
Lower WIP / Lock Up

When it comes to senior management teams we have a 90 minute version of this. Now you shouldn't expect to learn too many of the techniques in this time. During the

Lean Workshop for Law Firms - 90 Minutes

you will experience the

  • HANDS Exercise - How businesses go about measuring
  • "All Change" - an exercise in change management
  • 30 examples of daily frustrations in Law Firms - frustrations that waste your time and that of your clients (sent in advance)
  • Value Stream Mapping - Process Mapping (on steroids) for the customer focussed business
  • Unintended Benefits - many continuous improvement programmes have unintended consequences, what are the hidden benefits of Lean? 
    • Finance
    • HR & Training
    • Marketing & Business Development
    • Operational Delivery
To find out more about Lean Management Workshops for Law Firms and Legal Departments call Mark on 01904 277 007 or fill in the contact form further down the page. (It's free to talk)
To join the 1,000+ people who have downloaded the Lean for Law Guide and find the 30+ examples of wasted time and effort in your firm, click the button below.

Click here to download the FREE Lean Law Guide

The second is a one day workshop Lean Management for Law Firms and Departments. This is useful for teams who have decided they want to delve deeper into Lean Management as a team but you want to learn quickly and take some ideas away to implement.

Lean Workshop for Law Firms - One Day

contains elements on;

  • HANDS - how all businesses measure improvement
  • "All Change" - an exercise in change management
  • 30 examples of daily frustrations in Law Firms - frustrations that waste your time and that of your clients
  • 5S - an exercise in how office layout and organisation can affect efficiency
  • Value Stream Mapping - Process Mapping for the customer focussed business
    • GEMBA - how to observe and gather info from all staff
    • 5 WHY - learn how to understand the workplace
    • SIPOC - template to ensure you include all elements of how work is delivered.
  • "Just an Average Kind of Die" - an exercise in which maths techniques are useful? which are dangerous when analysing a business?
  • Lean Key Performance Indicators - what should you be measuring, how and why?
  • Unintended Benefits - many continuous improvement programmes have unintended consequences, what are the hidden benefits of Lean? 
    • Finance
    • HR & Training
    • Marketing & Business Development
    • Operational Delivery

Typically delivered between 9:30 - 17:00. This one day workshop for up to 10 people gives you enough to start looking at your business through an improvement lens.

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