Interim Operations Director UK

Interim Operations Director UK

Interim Operations & Manufacturing Leadership

Help Stabilise your Operations Teams 
Start Optimising their performance.
Leading them on a path which delivers your Growth plans.

Ready to hand over when you have a permanent solution. 


Prevent Your Operations Output From Getting Worse; Make Costs, Quality, Delivery Dates Predictable


Making Your Operations As Productive, Efficient & Cost Effective As Possible


Enable Your Manufacturing Teams and Leaders to Deliver Your Business Growth Targets

You Need To Strengthen Your Operations Leadership Team - Quickly

You want a safe pair of hands to fill a gap in the Manufacturing Leadership Team.  
Labour & Material costs are rising, you want to keep these increases under control.
You need an experienced person, right now, who can hit the ground running with your Production team.
You’d like a fresh pair of eyes on your Manufacturing & Operations teams. 
You’ve got a Quality, Delivery, Skills issue that your Manufacturing team are failing to address. 
You want someone who can Mentor & Coach your staff to step up to the Management roles you have. 
levantar     (verb) - to lift, to raise up

Lean Management Consulting

Interim Operations Director  – Manufacturing.

Results Delivered For Manufacturing Clients

    • £1m a month Extra Output. A UK based Machinery Manufacturer produced a range of machines that sold incredibly well across the globe. The downside was that the lead time for deliveries was long and getting longer. We weren’t the first company they’d engaged to try and solve this problem. We WERE the first to deliver a solution, with the Production team that was easy to install and stuck. The output for the site increased by 30%, rising from £3m to £4m. An extra £1m of machinery deliveries every month. Lead times came down and and on-time delivery increased to over 95%. An increase with the same number of staff working the same hours. The increased capacity allowed the management team time to review other improvements and grow their business.‌
    • Production Time Reduced from 48 days to 18 days. A UK Factory site tasked with delivering the first Lean Manufacturing project in a Japanese owned organisation. This UK based hi-tech manufacturer delivered machines and spares across the world. A project that resulted in the production time reducing from 48 to 18 days. Quality of the manufacturing improved by over 90%. The lead time reduced from 6 months to 2. It allowed production output to increase from 2.5 machines a month to 5. Manufacturing staff were released to help R&D develop new parts, delivering new products to market on time and powering growth. The spares function became a full department that could deliver 90% of demand on the same day.

    See the video below to see the build and assembly process

Watch an Inca Onset Being Built


    • 240 year old Business Learns New Productivity Tricks. Working alongside the site Manufacturing Management team we delivered 22% more output. For over 200 years this CNC and Fabrication manufacturer had sold full machines and spares to customers across the world. Every delivery was “Made to Order”, the lead times were long and frustrating for customers. We reviewed, changeovers, stock levels , MRP, ERP practices and found bottlenecks. Improvements enabled “off the shelf” deliveries and 30% of orders out within 10 days in others. Reviewing Capex projects, matched the growth plans to the site investments. Skills and age profiles were reviewed. This identified a new plan for staff development & recruitment, to overcome skill shortages.

    • Getting 45% More out of a Factory. Doubling the sales value & volume of a business in less than 2 years sounds like a great business plan. Not when the Operations team can’t keep pace with this growth. They couldn’t deliver the time critical sales on time. 50% of supervisor roles unfilled, with a sudden Production manager vacancy, made the project critical . Within 3 weeks the Fabrication, Weld, & Assembly teams were delivering 30% more per week. The same number of staff, doing the same work but delivering 30% more orders on time. Their customers could see the improvement. They stayed on board, improvements continued over the coming months. At the end, the business cold deliver 60% more output to maintain the growth. ‌ Project completed, the business had the chance to re-structure the teams & recruit a new management team. The project also reviewed the Capex plans and provided options for a layout re-design.
Interim Operations Manager
20% lead time improvement + 40% capacity growth = grow your business

Interim Operations Director UK



Interim Operations Manager
Imagine Increasing Capacity by 20%? Think about it.
What now takes Mon-Fri to make, could be completed by Thursday. The output from Friday is free.
Imagine an extra 20% in turnover?

How can You find out how our Interim Operations Director Services Can Help You?

Lean Management - Deliver On-Time, Every Time

Lean Management - Deliver On-Time, Every Time

  • It's simple to contact us; you either call on 07712 669396 , or email  . It's free to get in touch. 
  • Don't worry if you're not sure whether you want an Interim Manufacturing Director or Manufacturing Manager. 
  • We'll get back to you to make time for a conversation to find out more about your business and the challenges you are facing. Then we can decide which solution might be best for you.
  • If we both agree that we think we can do something, whether it's  work to Stabilise, Optimise or Grow your business, we we'll work out how we can take it further. 
  • Your Improvement Starts when you contact us... find out how we might help. 

Interim Manufacturing Director Services From Levantar



Mark holds a Master’s degree in Manufacturing Systems Management after gaining a BEng in Manufacturing Engineering.

He’s worked across manufacturing in both Blue Chip and family-owned SMEs.

Mark has a considerable depth and breadth of experience across the manufacturing sector.

Depth comes from having roles as a Team Leader, Supervisor, Department Manager up to Operations Director. He has worked with teams in businesses from £4m to £4.5bn, with the majority in the £10-100m.

He’s been an Industrial Engineer and Project Manager. Led Procurement & Planning in manufacturing firms. He’s designed and delivered Capex projects in Production & Processing lines, Automated Warehousing, Robotics and improved Plant Layouts.

The breadth of his experience comes from working across a wide range of industry sectors.

  • Bottling Industries, (including a world leading bottling company in the UK)
  • Food manufacturing, (including the chilled food sector and snacks market)
  • FMCG (shampoos, shower gels, toothpastes) manufacturing.
  • Metal Fabrication – Welding (Manual + Robotics). CNC Machining. Laser Cutting of materials. For machines such as Wind Turbines, Farm Machinery, High Precision Print Machinery.
  • Electrical Assembly – wiring harness & control panels for various machine types
  • Plastics Manufacturing.
  • Construction and Window Manufacturing.
  • Oil & Gas Processing
  • Assembly – assembly of Machines, Sub Assemblies and Parts. Management of Spare Part Supply Chains. For machines with up to 25,000 parts.
Interim Operations Director

Interim Operations Manager

Designed Strategy & Target Operating Models to deliver significant revenues (£10m+) for organisations. Challenging existing Strategies, Market and Customer understanding.

An effective communicator, comfortable at home with senior execs and “sleeves rolled up on the shop floor”. Mark has tackled training, apprenticeship, H&S issues and bullying in organisations.

He has extensive knowledge of Digital and Data Marketing, AI; Managed CRM, Data Analysis & Strategy Insights teams within the B2C and B2B  finance & retail industries.

Mark is a Adjunct Lecturer at Leeds University Business School. He presents an annual lecture on Improvement in Manufacturing & Supply Chains at Leeds University Business School. Over 4,000 students have attended this since 2010.

He has also contributed to articles and published books on improvement.

He challenges clients to improve Productivity and deliver at least +20% from their existing resources. Same staff, same machinery, same buildings.  There are examples of 30-50% more delivered.

The 20%+ improvement is achieved by using a combination of proven improvement techniques.

Combine this with his extensive knowledge of all the other activities that Operations managers need to carry out in manufacturing environments. These include H&S, MRP, Stock Levels, ERP, Performance Management, KPIs.



Lean Management Workshops  - Leeds University

Lean Management Workshops – Leeds University

Since 2010 we’ve taken well over 4,000 people through our Lean Manufacturing and Management workshop thanks to the Operations and Supply Chain team at Leeds University Business School.



Benefits of an Interim Manufacturing Director?

What are the benefits of bringing in an Interim Operations Manager?

Don’t just take our word, have a read of the article below.

The Benefits of Bringing in a Professional Interim Director or Manager

If you’re after a service where we provide consulting then perhaps our Manufacturing Consulting service for your factory or manufacturing plant maybe of interest.

Does it sound like we can HELP you and your Production teams?
Whether You're Looking for Help with Operations, Manufacturing, Production, will our Interim Manufacturing Director Service help you?

Contact Mark on 07712 66939 or email with the subject "Interim Management" - Do it Today.

Why Might You Hire an Interim Operations Director?

You’ve got a gap in your leadership team, you need an instant fix. Whether you call it an interim Manufacturing Manager, Interim Director of Operations or Interim Operations Manager, the effect is the same. You need to ensure your manufacturing team keeps moving forward. We find businesses have to deal with 1 of 3 common issues;  

  • STABLISE – Prevent Your Operations Output From Getting Worse; Make Them Predictable. Stabilise Costs, Quality, Delivery, Skills. There is at least one issue, maybe more that has been causing concern for a while AND customers have noticed.


  • OPTIMISE – Begin Making Your Operations As Productive, Efficient, & Effective As Possible. You have tried lots of improvement work before OR don’t believe it will work in your organisation. You can be more productive, Henry Ford took 9 months how to make 12 cars on the time it took to make 1. You might need to have someone take a fresh look for you.


  • GROWTH – Enable Your Operations Team to Deliver Your Business Growth Targets. You’ve got great technical skills but Manufacturing & Operations are so much more than technical knowledge. Scaling for growth requires insights on stock policies, people & skills development, Capex Investments, Production & Resource Planning, HR & Performance Management, Health & Safety and a host of other experiences.


Recruiting an Interim Operational Director to suit your stage of the journey could be key to keeping your business moving. It will be key to developing the potential.  

Benefits of an Interim Manufacturing Director?

What experience should your Interim Operations Manager bring? The experience you’ll want will depend on the problem you want them to help you solve. 

  • KEEP THE SEAT WARM – You want them to fill in due to an emergency or whilst a new hire comes on board. You should focus on someone with the right level of experience in your sector. Someone who already has the technical knowledge.  An Interim Manufacturing person who can focus on ensuring your systems keep running as you wish.


  • PROBLEM SOLVING – You have that one area that the team have been unable to solve. It could be reducing costs, improving quality, improving delivery dates, productivity or addressing the skills shortage you have. Look for an Interim Manufacturing Director who can show experience in that area. They may have similar technical knowledge but it’s their problem solving experience you want.


  • GROWTH & STRATEGY– You want to grow the business. You need someone to come in, review your business and start the path to growth. Enable Your Operations Team to Deliver Your Business Growth Targets


Think about what you want the Interim Manufacturing Director or Manager to get done. Match their skills, their experience to what you need to deliver.  Think about these two first before you worry about hiring from the same sector. 


How Long Should You Hire an Interim Operations Director For?

At least 3 months, 12 months at the most.

If it's cover for illness or an emergency situation, you should consider a period of at least 3 months. If it is while you hire, then think at least 6 months. The advert, interviews and notice period means you'll need someone in place for at least 6 months. Add in a handover period and it could be longer.

Need the Interim Operations Director to review your factory and come up with and start an improvement plan? You'll need to be thinking about 12 months to allow them enough time.

What does an Interim Operations Director do?

Think about what you want from the person.
Do you want them to keep the factory the same, not change anything? Keep it running day to day as it has been.
Do you want them to address a specific challenge, costs, on time delivery, quality, skills development?
Do you want them to coach or develop you existing managers?
Help you grow?

Be clear in what you want them to deliver, as you would be with any new hire.

How can Interim Operations Director help with Growth?

Your business is growing, you want to scale the Operations, the existing team need help. An Interim Operations Director can help by bringing their experience to your business for a short period. Make sure they can demonstrate managing and scaling Operations for growth that suits your plans.

Interim Operations Directors provide experience in managing the challenges of mergers and acquisitions.
They provide guidance, help and advice for Start-ups / PE & venture capital-backed businesses. They can bring extensive sector experience to new ventures.

What skills does an Interim Operations Manager need?

The most important skill will be Communication. They must liaise between their own teams and other departments. Key skills will include resource allocation, process mapping, and basic project management. Other skills will include the ability to quickly learn new technical processes. Problem identification and solving skills with others should be a core skill.

The best Interim Operations Directors will have a breadth of sector experience to use. They will bring knowledge of MRP, ERP, Production Planning, Performance Management and HR.

Client Reviews of Levantar 

The Levantar team provide a fantastic service that not only looks at the basic lean principles of manufacturing but helped to dig much deeper to identify underlying issues across the business and how to improve them. Neil and Mark make an exceptional team who are really easy to work with and are able to challenge and develop individuals from the shop-floor to the management team. I highly recommend them.Garth Williams Software Manager ABG International Ltd
Garth Ellie Williams
Garth Ellie Williams
06:27 17 May 18
Levantar really do know what they are doing, they spent around a year working with a company I work for and the improvement made were beyond words. Daily working life became much more bearable and I was able to improve myself in my job role due to this. They are very honest and will help wherever they can using the knowledge they have learnt through the years. I highly recommend Mark and Neil and would happily work with them again.
Daisy Lowe
Daisy Lowe
08:55 12 Apr 18
Levantar were with us for 7 months during which time they introduced many changes to existing processes as well as new ones to move on with. During this time they learned our way of working before making any additions/alterations or changes, they listened to everyone who had comments, observations or ideas and took all of these on board.They left us a far more efficient group than when they arrived with new ideas an projects to carry forward to continue the improvements.Overall Mark & Neil are approachable, attentive & have much knowledge & experience to draw from in order to improve a business in so many ways.Highly recommended !
Malcolm Savage
Malcolm Savage
10:16 26 Mar 18
The Levantar team are extremely professional and easy to work with.They were able to converse with all levels of our employees from the people on our shop floor through to the Management team and most importantly get 'buy in'.We are now using many procedures they put in place.I cant rate them highly enough.
Chris Ellis
Chris Ellis
07:33 03 Apr 18
Taught a combination of logical thinking with outside the box thoughts. Full interaction with all levels in all departments. Great motivation team the learn from and work with.
Martin Morgan
Martin Morgan
10:22 12 Apr 18
Levantar helped improve process and work flow, improved communication between departments and were keen to develope employee's with college course and in house training.
Stephen Mazey
Stephen Mazey
15:13 04 Apr 18

Comprehensive Productivity Improvement Services For Manufacturing Firms

UK Lean Manufacturing Consultants

UK Lean Manufacturing Consultants

Want guidance on how to OPTIMISE, deliver MORE from your existing equipment and staff? Want to discover how to deliver on-time, every time?
Check out this page, contact us TODAY...

UK Lean Manufacturing Consultants

Interim Operations Director Manager UK

Interim Operations Director Manager UK

Need help to stabilise the Operational output in your business? Need someone with experience and the ability to roll sleeves up, step in quickly and start delivering? Help to stabilise your operations before making improvements?
Check out this page and contact us TODAY...

Interim Operations Director & Manager

UK Lean Manufacturing Training Courses

UK Lean Manufacturing Training Courses

Want to up-skill your Operations staff? want to give them production skills that will enable YOU to deliver MORE? Our Lean training WILL BE built around your business needs, using the right techniques that will improve your business.
Check out the link and get in touch

UK Lean Manufacturing Courses

Operations Strategy Consulting

Operations Strategy Consulting

You want to grow your Business. You want your Operations to be developed to deliver the revenue targets. You want your Manufacturing & Production teams to develop the skills and behaviours to take you further. You're not sure which technology, systems to invest that will set you on the path. Our Operations Strategy Consulting has been developed to work for you, guiding on the way path forward.
Check out the link and get in touch

Operations Strategy Consulting UK

UK Business Process Consulting

UK Business Process Consulting

We help you re-invigorate and optimise your processes; speeding them up, increasing Business Capacity & Compliance. Giving you agile processes that will deliver your business growth.
Click Below and get in touch.

UK Business Process Improvement Consultants

Mentoring & Coaching For Operations Managers UK

Mentoring & Coaching For Operations Managers UK

You have a great team. They know you're products well, have given you great service. Manufacturing management is a challenge though, they need to know about MRP, ERP, HR, H&S Budgets, Performance Management. You're not sure what you need to do.
Check out our Mentoring & Coaching service, pick up the phone - it's free to have a chat.

Manufacturing Management Coaching UK

Manufacturing Consulting UK

Manufacturing Consulting UK

Want Manufacturing advice? Not sure what you need to do, whether Lean is for you? Want to know if new processes or investment would be better, whether MRP would deliver what you need?
Check out this page and pick up the phone - it's free to have a chat.

Manufacturing Consulting Firm UK


Lean Manufacturing Training & Consulting Across the UK

Read the comments below, do you hear these or similar in your organisation?

They’re the conversations we hear every day when we are out and about starting with clients. Clients who are discovering the benefits of Lean Management.

  • “Can we get this work done by close of play tomorrow?”
  • “We’ve been asked to try and speed up our processes, is that possible?”
  • “We need to ship this out by Thursday, otherwise there are penalties, it’s already two weeks late”
  • “How long? If this doesn’t go by the end of the month we miss our targets”
  • “The customer will go elsewhere if it takes too long..”
  • “When will this part be in? we need it today, can you call the supplier?”
  • “We can’t keep passing the prices rise on, what else can we do…? “
  • “Our competitors have a lead time of 3 weeks can we do better?” 
  • “We need to do overtime to try and catch the time up, the back log is building again..” 
  • “Why can’t we recruit enough people? “
  • “Can need to get more skills in our team to cope with the future..”
  • “Our prices are going up we need to do something about them…”

Recognise any of them? sound familiar?

You might have 1,2,3 or more similar conversations every day or week. Conversations which take up more and more of your time. Conversations about not having enough people, skills, late deliveries or price rises you can’t offset.

The challenge of getting work completed, reports, and orders delivered On-Time, Every Time, is one we know can be solved, we know how to help you do this. 

The challenge of understanding how you can get more skills, more of the skills you need into your business is one we know how to help with as well.

The challenge of reducing and understanding costs is the one Lean was designed for.  

Lean Management techniques combined with solid Operational Management training will give you the tools to deliver On-Time, Every Time. 


It also makes sense that after you’ve learnt to deliver On-Time, Every Time, the next step is to grow your business.

Deliver more using the techniques you’ve embedded in your lean management organisation. 

Deliver more with the skills you’ve embedded in your lean, agile, responsive organisation.  


Mark Greenhouse – UK Interim Operations Director. 30 years Experienced in Manufacturing and Improvement in Food to Engineering Call today 07712 669396 to discuss your Operational challenges.


Core Manufacturing Services We Offer

Want to Find Out More About Out Interim Manufacturing Director Services? 

Lean Management - Deliver On-Time, Every Time

Interim Manufacturing - Stabilise, Optimise, Grow


  • Simply call Mark on 07712 669396 , or email
  • Do it TODAY and we can start your journey to Stabilise, Optimise or Grow your business.
  • Not sure whether you want an Interim Manufacturing Director or Manufacturing Manager?  An Interim Operations Director? We can decide later.
  • Your Improvement Starts when you contact us... find out how we might help. 

Our Recent Blog Posts - Insights From Business Improvement and Lean Management