Operations Strategy Consulting UK – Review Now!

Operations Strategy Consulting

Operations Strategy Consulting

Guiding Your Operations Team to
Deliver The Business Strategy. 

Re-design & Improvements.
Improving Process & People
to deliver your growth plans.


Prevent Your Operations Output From Getting Worse; Make Costs, Quality, Delivery Dates Predictable


Making Your Operations As Productive, Efficient & Cost Effective As Possible


Enable Your Manufacturing Teams and Leaders to Deliver Your Business Growth Targets

Looking For Operations Consulting Services?

You want to grow capacity but you’re not sure where to invest in Operations
Operational costs need to be controlled to compete in the future. 
You want to investigate Digital Tech & improvements where should you start.
MRP, ERP, CRM so many systems, so many choices but which ONE might bring the biggest, quickest benefit? 
Attracting and retaining skilled, experienced staff is become challenging, You need a plan.
There is a gap between what you’ll need from Operations leaders in the future and what is being delivered.
Should you Acquire new businesses to grow your business OR grow Organically? what is best for your Operational teams?

Operations & Manufacturing Strategy Consulting from Levantar

Whether you call it the Operations Strategy, the Manufacturing Strategy, Production Strategy, the team who turn the inputs into the outputs is critical to the future growth of your business, your organisation.

They take raw materials and parts from your suppliers, apply their skills, knowledge, experience and hours of labour to turn these into the outputs you have promised to customers. 

The way your Operations team work, the processes they use, the costs they incur, the speed they work at, the delivery times are critical to the your business, to delivering for your customers.

The Operations team is where you incur the largest costs for staffing, for technology (equipment and systems). 

It is the team where the customer promises are delivered from, the team who actually deliver the products and services that deliver your revenue.

To develop your Operations model, to deliver the growth you think is out there, you’d like a guiding hand.  For a start everyone has their day job, they are time poor to dedicate time to this activity. They’ve also got experience of what you do but what about ideas, best practices from outside? How can you challenge them to deliver for the future.

Your choice of Operations, Manufacturing Strategy and how to implement it to will have implications for your potential growth. 

For instance there are 5 different Operational Business Models you can adopt; most businesses need to consider at least two of these.  These models are typically;

  • BATCH 
  • LINE 

Why do we say you need to consider 2 models?

As an example, if you sell Capital Equipment, it may be sold with a lead time, made to order.

You might also provide spare parts and servicing options for this equipment; these are likely to be needed quickly, picked from stock. Balancing an operation that makes equipment available immediately, from stock and based on specific orders requires different thinking BUT can be completed when you know how. 

The choice of Operational Process or model above has implications across many parts of the organisation and changes the choices you make.

Areas that your Operations Strategy can impact include;  you’re looking

  • SUPPLIERS – How do you manage them? How will they grow? Can they help you with your plans? 
  • CUSTOMERS – Are you making to order or to stock, both? What lead times do they require? Will you make more for existing customers or win new ones?   
  • STOCK & INVENTORY – How much should you hold? Where should you hold it? Could stock enable you to be a more agile business? 
  • RECRUITMENT & TRAINING – What skills will you need to develop? Which skills to recruit? How will you retain staff for the long term?
  • COSTS – Do you Make or Buy? How will you control costs? Will you base costs on Throughput or retain the Material + Labour + Margin = Price that many firms use?
  • KPIs– Growing your business means taking a different view; recording new & different KPIs. How will you record these? What does a good KPI look like? How do you make sure things stay on track?
  • TECHNOLOGY – Digital systems, ERP, MRP, MPS, CRM – which will really drive your business forward, power your Operations Team? Which will consume time, resources, cash yet deliver little value? 
  • IMPROVEMENT – Which improvement strategies will work for your business, as it grows? 

We’ve learnt that in many organisations the Operations Teams struggle to deliver the Sales Targets. What if this is holding you back?
We’ve developed Operations Management processes and services that helps firms to deliver quality work, faster, on time, at lower costs whilst overcoming the skills challenges many face in 2022.

Giving you the reassurance that your Operations team can deliver now and grow with your business plans, your operations strategy.

levantar  (verb) – to lift, to raise up

How can You use our Operations Strategy Consulting Services?

Lean Management - Deliver On-Time, Every Time

Operations Strategy Consulting.

  • It’s simple to contact us; you either call on 07712 669396 , or email Mark@levantar.co.uk  . It’s free to get in touch. 
  • We’ll get back to you to make time for a conversation to find out more about your business and the Strategy challenges you are facing.
  • If we both agree that we think we can do something, whether it’s  work to Stabilise, Optimise or Grow your business, we we’ll work out how we can take it further. 
  • You might need our Operations Strategy Consulting Service or perhaps a Lean Training Course or our Business Process Improvement Services are more applicable to Optimise your situation.
  • You might want coaching for your Operational Management team or an Interim Operations Director to Stabilise your output, your production.  
  • It starts when you contact us… find out how we might help. 


Operations Strategy Consulting - Results OUR Clients Achieve

Lean Manufacturing Training


Client Reviews of Levantar 

The Levantar team provide a fantastic service that not only looks at the basic lean principles of manufacturing but helped to dig much deeper to identify underlying issues across the business and how to improve them. Neil and Mark make an exceptional team who are really easy to work with and are able to challenge and develop individuals from the shop-floor to the management team. I highly recommend them.Garth Williams Software Manager ABG International Ltd
Garth Ellie Williams
Garth Ellie Williams
06:27 17 May 18
Levantar really do know what they are doing, they spent around a year working with a company I work for and the improvement made were beyond words. Daily working life became much more bearable and I was able to improve myself in my job role due to this. They are very honest and will help wherever they can using the knowledge they have learnt through the years. I highly recommend Mark and Neil and would happily work with them again.
Daisy Lowe
Daisy Lowe
08:55 12 Apr 18
Levantar were with us for 7 months during which time they introduced many changes to existing processes as well as new ones to move on with. During this time they learned our way of working before making any additions/alterations or changes, they listened to everyone who had comments, observations or ideas and took all of these on board.They left us a far more efficient group than when they arrived with new ideas an projects to carry forward to continue the improvements.Overall Mark & Neil are approachable, attentive & have much knowledge & experience to draw from in order to improve a business in so many ways.Highly recommended !
Malcolm Savage
Malcolm Savage
10:16 26 Mar 18
The Levantar team are extremely professional and easy to work with.They were able to converse with all levels of our employees from the people on our shop floor through to the Management team and most importantly get 'buy in'.We are now using many procedures they put in place.I cant rate them highly enough.
Chris Ellis
Chris Ellis
07:33 03 Apr 18
Taught a combination of logical thinking with outside the box thoughts. Full interaction with all levels in all departments. Great motivation team the learn from and work with.
Martin Morgan
Martin Morgan
10:22 12 Apr 18
Levantar helped improve process and work flow, improved communication between departments and were keen to develope employee's with college course and in house training.
Stephen Mazey
Stephen Mazey
15:13 04 Apr 18



A leading UK equipment manufacturer was convinced it could grow through International sales but was being held back by long lead times and late deliveries.

Working with Levantar the client identified how the production times could be cut by 50%. This gave the business the springboard to increase its UK and International sales.

The result of our programme was a business which delivered more output 40%, on time, in shorter lead times, without needing any more staff, or space in which to do it.

Sales increased by over 40% without additional staff costs.

They could compete on lead times with others in the market and be confident they could achieve delivery dates, every time.

A UK Services organisation had ambitious growth plans. To meet them though it knew it would need to address its Admin and Finance processes.

Levantar discovered that the processing of client files took over 250 days. This mattered as they were only paid once this was complete.

Working with the management team a series of key improvement plans where devised; without the need to change any technology.

The result? the client files now take 120 days, less than half the 250 at the start.

This has allowed the growth plans to be implemented and has improved the cash flow; the money is coming in from clients in half the time.

As well as driving the Customer Satisfaction higher, the business also discovered that the programmes drove their measured Employee Engagement scores higher.

A technical & global engineering leader with a reputation for missing delivery dates. They'd tried other lean and productivity consulting suppliers but hadn't managed to sustain the results.

Levantar identified a programme of work which included managers, supervisors and team leaders in the design and execution.

The Levantar programme helped the team to devise ways of delivering 100% of the plan AND 35% more output without needing any more staff or space.

The programme was delivered through a number of small learning workshops (1-2 hours) and on-job coaching and feedback with managers and staff.

Improvement ideas & adoption and staff engagement is now central to how this organisation works every day.

Leeds University - Lean Management Workshops

Leeds University – Lean Management Workshops


Since 2010 we’ve taken well over 2,750 people through our Lean Manufacturing and Management workshop thanks to the Operations and Supply Chain team at Leeds University Business School.


Lean Manufacturing Training & Consulting Across the UK

Operations Strategy Consulting

Operations Strategy Consulting

Read the comments below, do you hear these or similar in your organisation?

They’re the conversations we hear every day when we are out and about starting with clients. Clients who are discovering the benefits of Lean Management.

  • “Can we get this work done by close of play tomorrow?”
  • “We’ve been asked to try and speed up our processes, is that possible?”
  • “We need to ship this out by Thursday, otherwise there are penalties, it’s already two weeks late”
  • “How long? If this doesn’t go by the end of the month we miss our targets”
  • “The customer will go elsewhere if it takes too long..”
  • “When will this part be in? we need it today, can you call the supplier?”
  • “We can’t keep passing the prices rise on, what else can we do…? “
  • “Our competitors have a lead time of 3 weeks can we do better?” 
  • “We need to do overtime to try and catch the time up, the back log is building again..” 
  • “Why can’t we recruit enough people? “
  • “Can need to get more skills in our team to cope with the future..”
  • “Our prices are going up we need to do something about them…”

Operations & Process Improvement Services We Offer

UK Lean Manufacturing Consultants

UK Lean Manufacturing Consultants

Want guidance on how to OPTIMISE, deliver MORE from your existing equipment and staff? Want to discover how to deliver on-time, every time?
Check out this page, contact us TODAY...

UK Lean Manufacturing Consultants

Interim Operations Director Manager UK

Interim Operations Director Manager UK

Need help to stabilise the Operational output in your business? Need someone with experience and the ability to roll sleeves up, step in quickly and start delivering? Help to stabilise your operations before making improvements?
Check out this page and contact us TODAY...

Interim Operations Director & Manager

UK Lean Manufacturing Training Courses

UK Lean Manufacturing Training Courses

Want to up-skill your Operations staff? want to give them production skills that will enable YOU to deliver MORE? Our Lean training WILL BE built around your business needs, using the right techniques that will improve your business.
Check out the link and get in touch

UK Lean Manufacturing Courses

UK Business Process Consulting

UK Business Process Consulting

We help you re-invigorate and optimise your processes; speeding them up, increasing Business Capacity & Compliance. Giving you agile processes that will deliver your business growth.
Click Below and get in touch.

UK Business Process Improvement Consultants

Manufacturing Consulting UK

Manufacturing Consulting UK

Want Manufacturing advice? Not sure what you need to do, whether Lean is for you? Want to know if new processes or investment would be better, whether MRP would deliver what you need?
Check out this page and pick up the phone - it's free to have a chat.

Manufacturing Consulting Firm UK

Why Is An Operations Strategy Important?

Your Operations Team, your Operations Investments are the ones responsible for delivering for the customer. They take the inputs; raw materials, assemblies, reports, data - make changes, do their work and produce the output for your customers. The output that drives your revenue.
It is likely you employ the most people in your operations teams, you have the largest assets in the operations teams (machines, software, factory space) and they spend the most on inputs (stock, raw materials, reports). Having a plan, a strategy for these would seem sensible. Matching this strategy to your Business Strategy is key to ensuring everyone is heading in the same direction.
It could be that your Operations Team can give you options that enhance your Business Strategy, enhance the offer to the customers. Even allowing you to grow faster or with lower investments than you thought.

What Should An Operations Strategy Include?

An Operations Strategy should underpin your Business Strategy. It should include sections on how you'll deliver your strategy whether that this is a Cost Leadership Strategy, Quality Leadership, Product Differentiation or Time Based Strategy.
The Operations Strategy should address People; Technology & Process; Systems; KPIs & Measures - how will you measure your outputs? know whether you are being productive? Behaviours - how do you want people to behave in the future; more self management? remote working? There are other areas you can address such as Costs - how will you cost products going forward? On a Throughput basis or Material + Labour + Margin for individual pieces of work. Whatever you include it's likely to impact on the strategy for other areas of the business such as HR, L&D, Finance, IT etc.