Business Process Mapping Tip #1
We often get asked about Business Process Mapping so I’m sharing a series of tips that I hope you find of use.
The first step in Business Process Mapping is to establish,
Why Are We Mapping A Process?
There are lots of reasons why you might wish to map a process, Including to;
- Speed the process up, or reduce costs
- Understand skills and experiences required in staff to meet the process needs
- Understand the information flows from each step – which databases does the process use? which forms? cloud storage? Paperwork? etc
- Find out why customers are unhappy?
- Gain an external validation or accreditation
- Understand why employees are unhappy with the process?
- Find areas of under performance
- identify where IT might help the process (in some way)
- understand what management KPIs you need
- understand who might be Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, or needs to be Informed (RACI) for the different steps in the process
From the list process mapping can be used to fix problems, OR, to improve processes that might not be viewed as broken.
Gaining agreement on why you and your business believe you need to map a process is key. It will help you frame the work and guide you on the focus you’ll need.
It will prevent people from assuming that you were looking at cost saving, when you really wanted to look at skills requirements.
Tip #1 – Get Agreement on Why You Are Mapping The Process.
P.S. If you have any questions or thoughts on what we might cover in the tips then make comments below.
If you want to find out more about our Business Process Mapping services then call Mark on 01904 277007 for a free chat.