Lean Accounting Training Course
You think your business could do better, be more productive.
You want to be part of the improvement, take a role, you want your staff to be part of it, but where to start and how?
What do you need to learn about processes and behaviours?
How can you be certain the results will be SUSTAINED?
You know that you need to focus on your own departmental processes;
The budget process which takes too long, the expenses process that people seem to get wrong, the long winded procurement and invoicing processes.
You want to be part of the operational team improvements, ensure they see the Finance side and involve you in their strategic thinking.
With the right training and coaching you and your staff could be involved in ensuring changes are made for the right financial reasons and ensuring you are part of the process.
With the right training you could be delivering your operational workload (reports, budgets, KPIs ) in a fraction of the time and providing greater insight.
I've spent my life driving my businesses with a series of rear view mirrors [the after the event, end of month historical reports].FD - UK Machinery ManufacturingLean Accounting taught me there was a rather large clear Front Windscreen in every business I could have been using.
The Lean Accounting Training Course
has been designed by an ACMA, CGMA UK based accountant, one who has built firms, from scratch, on the basis of continuous improvement.
It has been designed for situations as described above and even adjusted to suit your specific requirements.
What Does It Contain?
- Value Stream Costing v Traditional Cost Accounting - what is the difference, does it matter?
- Process Map - How to do produce one, where to do it, who should be involved
- Creating a Value Stream Map - from a Process Map, what is the difference?
- 7 areas of DAILY FRUSTRATION - the frustrations that lead to wasted time and effort, find out how to identify them.
- The Framework for Re-engineering (Improving) a process
- KPIs - which ONE are you missing that tells you if the business is improving?
- KPIs - should you keep some and ditch others? which ones should you ditch?
- Quality Reporting - How can you measure quality and use it for improvement in accounting?
- A3 Reporting - consolidating your reporting to make communication straight forward and valued
- Daily Communication - does it add value, is it for Finance teams?
- Does Management Behaviour change with Lean? If Yes, how?
- Explore ways to get your month end reports delivered in 3 days
- Examine quick wins to get your processes completed in reduced times
Who is it for?
The course is designed for all staff involved in financial and accounting staff, CFOs, Finance Directors, Management and Financial Accountants, people who want to get involved in driving change and improvement in their organisation.
The best way to find out more, is simply to pick up the phone and call our Lean Accounting Professional, Neil Harvey, ACMA, CGMA on 0115 711 7007 to find out more.
He does do initial ONE DAY Lean Accounting consultations for FREE, so what is stopping you calling him now?
See our other Lean Accounting Services below.
Efficiency & Productivity Review
In a few days we aim to review critical parts of the activity in your finance and accounting teams and provide insights into...
Lean Accounting Consulting
Our Lean Accounting consulting works alongside you and your staff to ensure everyone understands and is aligned with changes, at a pace.....
Lean Accounting Workshop
Levantar have developed a series of workshops (1 hour - 1 day) which takes atff through the key messages about lean and....
You may get the chance to book one of the FREE ONE DAY LEAN ACCOUNTING ASSESSMENTS we offer every month.
Alternatively contact him on email Send Mail to Neill
Our Lean Accounting and Finance services have been developed to work in many situations.
Perhaps you are wondering how you can instil Lean practices into your Accounting and Finance functions in their own right, perhaps as a stand alone project. Maybe you want to work alongside other Lean projects and ensure your staff can be part of the improvement.
Our Lean Accounting services can be developed to suit either situation.
DID WE TELL YOU? Our Lean Accounting solutions have been designed and are delivered by Neil Harvey, an ACMA, CGMA professional.
Accounting and Finance professionals have a central role to play in Productivity Improvement.
Many improvement programmes find it difficult to find a place for accounting staff who often have a wealth of skills that they could offer and insights as to how the productivity and efficiency improvements will affect the business, whether that is through
- improved KPI performance
- increased profitability
- better on-time delivery
- lower costs
- lower Work In Progress
Delivering these benefits your improvement program, will open up strategic options and new possibilities which allow your business to grow.
Read Our Lean Blog for our latest insights to improvement.
Benefits of Lean
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LEVANTAR (verb) - to lift, to raise up